Sold- 3 bids

County: White

State:   Illinois

Date:   Tuesday,  April 30, 2013 at 10:00 AM  CDT (Carmi time).  Bid opening at the property.

Type of SaleSealed bids. Thirty percent down at contract signing, balance due by December 1st 2013 or before logging begins, whichever comes first.  Buyer will have until November 1, 2014 to remove the timber. 

Owner:  Henry & Barbara Hertel

Location:  Approximately 9 miles southeast of Carmi, Illinois in the NE¼ of Sec. 24, T6S, R15W in Emma Township, White County, Illinois.  From I-64 take 1st exit (Hwy 1) west of the Wabash River & go south on Hwy 1 to Carmi.  In Carmi take Epworth Road (CR 1380 N) (look for the directional sign for Epworth) southeast about 3.1 miles to Epworth.  Here the road turns due south (right) and becomes State Route 7.  Continue south for about 6.2 miles to CR 700 N.  Turn east (left) on CR 700 N and continue for 2.8 miles to CR 1725 E.  Turn left (north) on CR 1725 E & follow road for 1 mile to the barn site on the east side of the road where the bid opening will be held.  The marked timber lies east of CR 1725 E and north and south of the barn.

You can also get to the property from Indiana by taking Indiana Hwy 62 across the Wabash River into Illinois.  Turn north (right) on the 1st county road after crossing the river (CR 1725 E) and travel north 3.75 miles to the Hertel property.   See map on back.

Contact:  Multi‑Resource Management., Inc., 4870 N Park Lane Dr., Petersburg, IN  47567 

   e-mail:  multiresource@frontier.com

     Thom Kinney  812-483-4818 (C)    812-354-6472 (H)

     Doug Brown   812-639-9724 (C)    812-326-2243 (H)

Remarks:  Trees are marked with blue paint.  Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.  The owner and their agents make no guarantees of the board feet, number, or quality of trees listed in the timber tally.  Bidders are urged to satisfy themselves as to type, quality, and quantity of timber offered for sale.  Best management logging practices are required during the harvest operation.  Purchaser will be required to carry insurance.  A summary of diameter and volume distributions by species is available upon request.


Red Oak 2 496
Black Oak 2 523
White Oak 27 8,214
Cherrybark Oak 46 12,048
Chinkapin Oak 19 4,132
Bur Oak 4 830
Pin Oak 4 1,160
Walnut  32 5,022
Tuliptree 54 11,788
Hard Maple 9 1,130
Pecan 3 433
Ash 65 8,516
Cherry 11 1,112
Hickory 57 8,287
Sweetgum 20 4,048
Sycamore 15 4,004
Hackberry 11 1,724
Honeylocust 7 1,064
Misc * 24 2,888
Subtotals 412 77,419
Culls 60 No Vol. Figured
TOTALS 472 77,419

          * Misc. includes 5 Elm, 1 Coffeetree, 7 Blackgum, 4 Sassafras, 3 Basswood, 3 Cottonwood, & 1 Boxelder.