County: Knox

State:   Indiana

Date:   Friday, March 21, 2014 at 10:00 AM  EDT (Vincennes time).  Bid opening is at the property.

Type of SaleSealed bids.  Twenty percent down at contract signing, balance due by December 1,2014 or before logging begins, whichever comes first.  Buyer will have until December 1, 2015 to remove the timber.

Owner:  Suzanne Polk Field Family Trust & Dorothy Polk Trust

Location:  Approximately 12.5 miles northeast of Vincennes, Indiana, in part of Donation 238, T5N, R9W of Widner Township.  From Hwy 41 at a point 2.1 miles south of Oaktown or 2.8 miles north of where Hwy 550 crosses Hwy 41, turn east on N. Williams Rd.  This turn  is directly across the highway from Green Acres Farm Market and is marked with pink and green flagging on the road sign.  Go northeast on N. Williams Rd., through a 4 way stop and past the coal mine on your left to a “T” road, about 3 miles from Hwy 41.  Turn right at the “T” and go approximately 0.25 miles to an unmarked county road on your left (with pink and green flagging).  Turn left and follow this road approximately 1.25 miles to the northwest corner of the Polk forest.  The marked timber is to the east and south of this corner.   See map on back. 

Contact:  Multi‑Resource Management., Inc., 4870 N Park Lane Dr., Petersburg, IN  47567

e-mail:  multiresource@frontier.com

Thom Kinney  812-483-4818 (C)    812-354-6472 (H)

Doug Brown   812-639-9724 (C)    812-326-2243 (H)

Remarks: Trees are marked with blue paint.  Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.  The owner and their agents make no guarantees of the board feet, number, or quality of trees listed in the timber tally.  Bidders are urged to satisfy themselves as to type, quality, and quantity of timber offered for sale.  Buyer must have an Indiana timber buyer’s license.  Best management logging practices are required during the harvest operation.  Purchaser will be required to carry general liability insurance in amounts of $1,000,000 & workers’ compensation. Any crossing of fields must be done after crop harvest unless purchaser wants to compensate farmer for crop loss.   A summary of diameter and volume distributions by species is available upon request.


Red Oak 15 6,653
Black Oak 6 1,704
White Oak 7 3,247
Walnut 53 12,012
Tuliptree 56 19,303
Soft Maple 36 12,397
Ash 341 87,605
Cherry 69 11,880
Bur Oak 8 3,504
Southern Red & Pin Oak 23 7,308
Shingle Oak 27 9,103
Hickory 52 13,650
Sycamore 41 20,233
Hackberry 58 10,000
Sassafras 12 1,481
Elm 84 10,518
Misc * 19 2,869
Subtotals 907 233,467
Culls 162 No Vol. Figured
TOTALS 1,069 233,467