Oeding Timbe Sale


County: Dubois

State:   Indiana

Date:   Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 10:00 AM  EDT (Dubois County time).  Bid opening at the property.

Type of SaleSealed & phone bids.  Twenty percent down at contract signing, balance due by December 1,2014 or before logging begins, whichever comes first.  Buyer will have 17 months, until December 1, 2015, to remove the timber. 

Owner:  Robert Oeding, Terry Oeding, and Dan “Doc” Oeding

Location:  Approximately 4 miles south of Birdseye or 2.7 miles north of Possum Junction (HWY’s 62 and 145 intersection) in the NE ¼ of Sec. 13, T3S, R3W in Jefferson Township.  From the intersection of HWY’s 145 and 64 in Birdseye, go south on 145 about 4.1 miles to Anderson Valley Road on the left.  Go east on Anderson Valley Road about .6 miles to where the powerline crosses the road.  Once crossing the road, the right of way proceeds south and east away from the road.  At this point the Oeding property begins on the north side of the road (notice the survey marker on the south side of the road in the power line right of way).  Continue on Anderson Valley Road another .3 miles to a clearing on the left and a lane with a gate.  This is the access road that enters the Oeding property.  If coming from the south, Anderson Valley Road is 3.0 miles north of Interstate 64 on Hwy 145.  Turn right on Anderson Valley Road and follow the directions to the property.

Contact:  Multi‑Resource Management., Inc., 4870 N Park Lane Dr., Petersburg, IN  47567  

   e-mail:  multiresource@frontier.com

     Thom Kinney  812-483-4818 (C)    812-354-6472 (H)

     Doug Brown   812-639-9724 (C)    812-326-2243 (H)

Remarks: Trees are marked with blue paint.  Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.  The owner and their agents make no guarantees of the board feet, number, or quality of trees listed in the timber tally.  Bidders are urged to satisfy themselves as to type, quality, and quantity of timber offered for sale.  Buyer must have an Indiana timber buyer’s license.  Best management logging practices are required during the harvest operation.  Purchaser will be required to carry insurance. A summary of diameter and volume distributions by species is available upon request.  This is a classified forest and is certified under FSC certificate SCS-FM/COC-000123N as “FSC 100%”.


Red Oak 30 6,460
Black Oak 101 19,853
White Oak * 43 9,929
Tuliptree 369 86,044
Walnut 7 614
Hard Maple 104 11,935
Soft Maple 31 3,281
Ash 232 30,562
Cherry 14 1,212
Scarlet Oak 9 1,786
Hickory 87 12,369
Beech 27 3,665
Blackgum 30 2,537
Sycamore 12 1,713
Misc ** 13 1,173
Subtotals 1,109 193,133
Culls 168 No Vol. Figured
TOTALS 1,277 193,133

* There are 2 white oak trees marked with a blue “V” that may contain veneer volume.  

** Misc. includes 7 Elm, 1 Sweetgum, 4 Sassafras, and 1 Hackberry.